Is ERP and ECM integration a dream?

Despite so much investment, does your ERP still not see the payment documents? How to integrate your ERP with documents and invoices to make the payment process simpler and more reliable?

Many companies suffer from the lack of integration of ordering processes in their ERP systems and ECM systems where payment documents can be viewed.

It is common to hear complaints from users who do not have an invoice payment approval system with workflow and ged fully integrated with ERP information.

And it is also often not possible to view payment documents from the ERP screen.

The ideal world is to have a web and mobile document payment system that allows you to capture the image of the document and send it immediately for payment with information of their respective order processes in ERP.

This all without having to use another ERP license and without having to use two screens!

That is possible yes! And it's quick to do and no hassle. Just have an ECM tool with API capabilities that enable a multitude of forms of data and image integration that can be easily programmed by providing a web and mobile application interface.
